Our Vision & Mission
Our Vision
As people of God, we want to proclaim the Kingdom of God, the visible signs of which are love, justice and peace. Following the footsteps of our Master and Lord Jesus Christ, we want to seek out for the lost and bring them into the Father's fold. We want to dedicate ourselves for the spiritual, educational, cultural, and social development of the persons entrusted to our care, and to expend our resources for the uplift of the poor and for the relief of the suffering.
Our Mission
Building up the Church, which is the Body of Christ, is the work of the Holy Spirit. Together with Him, we are devoted to faith-building through the Word of God, through liturgical celebrations and living the faith in a community. Each member of this community has to witness Christ in his/her particular vocation, and to enrich the Church by utilizing his/her gifts of time, talent, and treasure.